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LuckyHD accused of “Milking” Loomian Legacy turns into a Big Dispute

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

LLNC - On July 17th, 2021, Loomian Legacy Community Member Muto157 tweeted out a video of him joking about the new wall leak that Developer OurHero tweeted out earlier on July 17th. The video also includes Muto joking about LuckyHD’s reaction to the wall leak.

While many people found this video funny, and accurate, twitter user Trey86952764 replied on July 18th with the following tweet saying:

After this reply, many members of the twitter community are seen “ratioing,” and mocking him with meme images.

6 hours later on July 18th, 2021, LuckyHD responds to Trey86952764’s tweet saying:

In the replies of this thread, multiple members of the twitter community are seen comforting, and encouraging LuckyHD to ignore the haters, and to continue what he has been doing as a Loomian Legacy content creator.

Despite the fact people say LuckyHD is milking Loomian Legacy of content, or even saying that Loomian Legacy is dead, LuckyHD believes that he’s not milking the game of any content, but providing content for people to love and enjoy.

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