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Hacker to giveaway EXPLOITED Loomians, it's really controversial!

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

A member of the Loomian Legacy Trading Community, EmbitG, has been accused of exploiting and stealing files from the popular online game, Loomian Legacy, to create custom loomians for giveaways and personal use. The allegations were first raised by Youtuber LuckyHD, who posted a tweet about the issue. The tweet has since gone viral, with many people expressing their concerns about the matter.

According to the allegations, EmbitG has been using his knowledge of the game to exploit it and access files that are not available to regular players. He has allegedly used these files to create custom loomians, which he has then given away or sold to other players. This practice is against both Roblox and Loomian Legacy's terms of service.

The developers of Loomian Legacy have responded to the allegations, warning EmbitG and stating that they do not condone his actions. They have also emphasized that players who use such custom loomians risk losing their accounts and access to the game.

Youtuber LuckyHD, who brought the issue to light, has also weighed in on the matter. In his tweet, he called out EmbitG's actions and urged other players to be aware of what he was doing. He also expressed his disappointment in the fact that some creators were giving EmbitG clout for his custom loomians, despite the fact that he was breaking the rules.

"Y'all do realize this dude literally exploits LL's files to make this stuff right. Like I see creators posting their own 'reskin' made by him and giving him clout when in reality what he's doing is against both Roblox and LL TOS. Not hatin just letting y'all know how he does this," LuckyHD wrote in his tweet.

The allegations against EmbitG have sparked controversy within the Loomian Legacy community. Some players have defended him, arguing that he was simply using his knowledge of the game to create something new and exciting for other players. Others have criticized his actions, stating that he was cheating and breaking the rules.

Regardless of the opinions of individual players, it is clear that the creation and distribution of custom loomians using files obtained through exploitation is not allowed under the terms of service of Roblox and Loomian Legacy. Players who engage in such actions risk losing their accounts and access to the game.

As of now, it is unclear what actions, if any, will be taken against EmbitG. The developers of Loomian Legacy have issued a warning to him and emphasized that they do not condone his actions. It remains to be seen whether any further action will be taken.

In the meantime, players are urged to be aware of the rules of the game and to avoid engaging in any actions that could be seen as exploiting or cheating. Custom loomians created using files obtained through exploitation are not allowed and players who use them risk losing their accounts and access to the game.

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1 Kommentar

21. Feb. 2023

Nice one

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