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LL Weekly Recap: Dec 11 - Dec 17

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Welcome to the Weekly Loomian Recap newsletter! These newsletters include the latest news about Loomian Legacy's community, events, leaks, and so much more.

LTS Announces Jolly Village 2022

Artwork by @YoloDraws and @BluefireMochi

On November 13, 2022, Llama Train Studio released a tweet with the picture above announcing the Jolly Village Event.

"It's that time of year!" Put on your mittens and get ready to return to Jolly Village with some new Loomians eager to spend the holidays with you! An official release date will be announced later this week so, stay tuned!"

This leak made a lot of people in the community excited to see what this year's Jolly Village event will hold. In the background, a new loomian can be seen.

This loomian would later be known as Hollibunch which is the evolution of Mistlebud. The description of Hollibunch is "Hollibunch's adorable looks are just a facade to hide its true nature. Get comfortable around one and it may try and constrict the life out of you with its rings of foliage." This really shocked a lot of members due to its cute appearance.

Jolly Village 2022 Release Announced

On December 16. 2022, Llama Train Studio tweeted the release time for the 2022 Jolly Village event:

"Who's ready for some Jolly Cookies? Jolly Village will be returning tomorrow at 3:00pm CST!"

The community was hyped but also surprised at how quickly the event would be released after it was announced to reappear in 2022.

Jolly Village 2022 Event Delay

On December 17, 2022, the LTS announced a delay for the event. This delay was due to some bugs that they were experiencing. This upset some members of the community because they didn't expect the delay to happen, and others had timezones issues. However, most members were understanding and reasonable because sometimes delays will happen. This event was delayed an hour from the original release at 3:00 PM CST.

2022 Jolly Village Teleport & Icigool Bug

When the 2022 Jolly Village event was released, some players weren't teleported to Jolly Village due to a bug. This bug sent them to a baseplate template map instead of the Jolly Village event. There was no GUI available so players had to leave the game and rejoin in hopes of joining the event hub. This bug was patched soon after it happened and players were teleported to the Jolly Village map. The Icigool bug also happened with the event's release but was quickly patched by the developers. This bug added 2021's Icigool skins back into the game by accident.

LuckyHD's Prerecording Drama

Sometime after the 2022 Jolly Village Event was released, LuckyHD tweeted out the following tweet talking about how it was unfair for LL Developer & YouTuber JamiyJamie got to record event tutorial videos before any other content creators had to opportunity to do so:

"Im so f*cking done with trying to voice any opinion in this community I cant do anything without people trying to say im complaining I literally make a post about how it is genuinely unfair jamiy gets to make videos days in advance and everyone just says "all you do is complain."

Many people in the community saw this as unfair while others saw this as complaining, and fair due to the fact he worked the game.

The main issue was JamiyJamie is a big Loomian Legacy YouTuber and a developer for the game. This gave him access to event content before other content creators could make videos. LuckyHD saw this as demotivating due to the fact that JamiyJamie's videos would be seen first before other Youtuber's videos. It would also take time for other content creators to record the content, edit it, and upload it. While JamiyJamie has to advantage of doing this before the update releases.


In this weekly recap, we discussed to following topics

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